Alcohol Resources

Drinking is a personal choice. Here are some resources that can help you drink safely.

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Low risk drinking guidelines

Drinking is a personal choice. If you choose to drink, these guidelines can help you decide when, where, why and how.

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Low risk drinking guidelines explained

The guidelines aren't about abstinence — they're about rethinking your drinking to reduce alcohol-related harm.


How does alcohol affect your body and mind?

CAMH provides information on alcohol use and symptoms, as well as resources to seek treatment and support.



What is a standard drink? (read)
Many people are surprised to learn what counts as an actual drink. Once you know what a standard drink is you will know how much alcohol you are actually drinking.

Check your drinking - how are you doing? (quiz)
The 18 question CYD survey is anonymous and has been designed to help you, your loved ones or your health care professional answer some questions about drinking.

Saying When: How to Quit Drinking or Cut Down (watch)
A new mobile app developed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) offers those who want to reduce or quit drinking alcohol the ability to track and manage their drinking habits.

Medications can help you manage your drinking (read)
Information on medications which can help reduce alcohol cravings.

Non-medical withdrawal management in Toronto (read)
Our Central Access staff will help you find the right location and level of service for you or your client's withdrawal management needs.